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From the Ground Up - Start or rekindle your Yoga Practice
Welcome to From the Ground Up!
Let's do this!! A welcome from Mandy Lawson (1:34)
What do I need?
Day 1
Change Your Mind- What is Yoga?
Take a Breath - Awareness (1:58)
Mellow the Monkey - Introduction
Let's Get Physical - Intro to Asana (9:39)
Day 2
Change Your Mind - Misconceptions
Take a Breath - Movement (1:37)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Spine (9:18)
Day 3
Change Your Mind - Principles
Take a Breath - Deeper (2:26)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Twist (8:27)
Day 4
Change Your Mind - Gratitude
Take a Breath - Chest Breath (3:10)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Outer Hips (10:20)
Day 5
Change Your Mind - Expressing It
Take a Breath - Belly Breath (2:32)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Inner Hips (13:31)
Day 6
Change Your Mind - Where is Joy?
Take a Breath - 3 Part Breath (3:21)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical -Cat/Cow (9:39)
Day 7
Change Your Mind - Encouragement
Take a Breath - Breath "To Go" (2:40)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Standing and Fold (12:31)
Day 8
Change Your Mind - I am not my thoughts
Take a Breath - Bumble Bee Breath (2:40)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Goddess and Star (3:07)
Day 9
Change Your Mind - I am not my Body
Take a Breath - Bumble Bee 2 (1:39)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Warrior 2 (4:12)
Day 10
Change Your Mind - Support
Take a Breath - Alternate Nostril (2:38)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Warrior 1 (13:37)
Day 11
Change Your Mind - Expectations
Take a Breath - Bunny Breath (1:21)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical -Warrior 3 (3:21)
Day 12
Change Your Mind - Reactions!
Take a Breath - Counting (2:40)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Triangle (3:36)
Day 13
Change Your Mind - Help!
Take a Breath - Holding it (1:38)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Tree (5:30)
Day 14
Change Your Mind - Positive Vibes
Take a Breath - Combination (2:21)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Standing Sequence (10:12)
Day 15
Change Your Mind - F off Fear
Take a Breath - Don't be Shallow (3:24)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Downward Facing Dog (3:05)
Day 16
Change Your Mind - Smile!
Take a Breath - Drive Yourself Calm (2:04)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Plank Pose (2:16)
Day 17
Change Your Mind - Keep it Clean!
Take a Breath - Make Some Noise (3:40)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Cobra Pose (2:08)
Day 18
Change Your Mind - Declutter!
Take a Breath - Nose vs. Mouth (2:14)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Waterfall Inversion (2:28)
Day 19
Change Your Mind - Be True
Take a Breath - Sleeping? (2:20)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Bridge Pose (2:48)
Day 20
Change Your Mind - Be nice
Take a Breath - Sigh! (1:39)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Happy Baby (1:35)
Day 21
Change Your Mind - Don't Steal
Take a Breath - Breathing Ball
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Savasana (1:54)
Day 22
Change Your Mind - Be Content
Take a Breath - Heavy (2:26)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Full Hatha Sequence (7:01)
Day 23
Change Your Mind - Circumstances
Take a Breath - Talking (1:36)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Restorative Forward Fold (3:52)
Day 24
Change Your Mind - Forgiveness
Take a Breath - Ribs! (3:06)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Restorative Supported Backbend (3:23)
Day 25
Change Your Mind - Unconditional
Take a Breath - Unconditional (2:13)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Supported Child's Pose (2:57)
Day 26
Change Your Mind - Friends
Take a Breath - Friends! (3:00)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Restorative Bound Angle (3:07)
Day 27
Change Your Mind - Play!
Take a Breath - Blow Bubbles! (1:11)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Restorative Crocodile Pose (9:46)
Day 28
Change Your Mind - Connect
Take a Breath - Connection (1:14)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Reclining Twist (2:21)
Day 29
Change Your Mind - Do Good!
Take a Breath - Linking (3:13)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Restorative Rest Pose (2:13)
Day 30
Change Your Mind - You Only Live Once!
Take a Breath - Congratulations! (2:57)
Mellow the Monkey
Let's Get Physical - Restorative Sequence (9:46)
Where do I go from here?
Change Your Mind - Play!
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