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Raja Yoga Training
Introduction to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Welcome from Sumati
Who was Patanjali?
What is a Sutra
Name and describe the 4 books
Preferred Translations
H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda
Nischala Joy Devi
Reverend Jaganath Carrera
Course Introduction
Now the exposition of Yoga is being made
1.2 Yoga is controlling the mind
1.3 True Nature
1.6 Vrittis - 1.7 Right Knowledge
1.8 Misconception
1.9 Verbal Delusion
1.10 Sleep
1.11 Memory
The Cause of Suffering
1.5 Painful or Painless
2.3 Kleshas 2.4 - 2.5 - Ignorance
2.6 Egoism
2.7 Attachment
2.8 Aversion
2.9 Clinging to bodily life
Practice and Non-Attachment
1.12 - 1.13 Practice
1.15 Non-Attachment
1.39 Anything that is elevating
1.14 Practice and study a lot
1.22 Time depends on mild, medium, intense effort
1.32 Pick one and keep doing it
The 8 Limbs of Raja Yoga
2.28 Discriminative Discernment
2.29 Yamas (Abstinences)
2.29 Niyamas (Observances)
2.29 Asana
2.29 Pranayama
2.29 Pratyahara
2.29 Dharana
2.29 Dhyana
2.29 Samadhi
2.35 Ahimsa (Non-violence)
2.36 Satya (Truthfulness)
2.37 Asteya (Non-stealing)
2.38 Bramacharya (moderation)
2.39 Aparigraha (Non-hording)
2.41 Saucha (purity)
2.42 Samtosha (contentment)
2.43 Tapas (accepting suffering)
2.44 Svadhyaya (study of spiritual text)
2.45 Ishwara Pranidhanam (spiritual surrender)
The four locks and keys & Pratipaksha Bhavana
The four locks and keys & Pratipaksha Bhavana
1.33 Happiness for the happy
1.33 Compassion for the unhappy
1.33 Delight for the virtuous
1.33 Disregard for the wicked
2.33 Pratipaksha Bhavana (Intellectual & Emotional)
The Obstacles to Our Peace & Happiness
1.30 Disease
1.30 Dullness
1.30 Doubt
1.30 Carelessness
1.30 Laziness
1.30 Sensuality
1.30 False Perception
1.30 Failure to reach firm ground
1.30 Slipping from ground gained
1.31 Distress
1.31 Despair
1.31 Trembling of body
1.31 Disturbed Breathing
Benefits of Raja Yoga
Benefits of Raja Yoga
2.27 Wisdom in the Final Stage
3.34 Enlightenment
Bringing it hOMe
Basic healthy habits
Creating a sacred space
Making a vow to practice daily
Developing a habit of practicing
Creating a diary
Common challenges and easy solutions
Closing by Sumati
Certificate of Completion
H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda
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